Monday, February 27, 2012


One of my favorite hobbies is making hair bows. I didn't have the opportunity before to "get in touch" with my creative side, but since I have a daughter I have "dived in" with both feet and found that it is very relaxing for me. Here are some pictures of the styles of bows I make:

Monday, May 30, 2011


When I think of the word cancer all I visualize is a slow drawn out and even painful way to die. I've heard that throughout your life that in some way everyone is affected by this, whether it's someone they know or if that person has cancer. My father in law was diagnosed with lung cancer July 2010. CT scan showed a tumor about the size of a fist in the upper right lobe of the lung. He started out with chemotherapy and everything was moving right along. The tumor shrunk enough for the doctor to surgically remove it. The we thought. About 6 months ago we found out it came back with a vengeance. He now has it in his shoulder and left hip. When we heard the news from the doctor we were devastated. Since the diagnosis there have been numerous chemotherapy and radiation treatments and hospital stays....this is the start of our journey.

Please keep my father in law and our family in your prayers, we are believing God for a miracle.
Thank you

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ava and Gran

When we go to visit Gran, Ava loves to go outside with her to water the plants. I know that as Ava grows, she will have so many fond memories of the times she spends with her Gran.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Second grade field trip

I had the privilege of volunteering to help with my son's field trip to the movies and the park. We watched Disney's African Cats. It was an amazing documentary narrated by Samuel L. Jackson. The movie spotlighted two different lion "tribes" and the life of a female cheetah raising her cubs. After the movie was finished, we went to the park for a picnic lunch and some playtime. I had fun watching all of the second graders running and having fun.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rose Garden

My daughter loves to be outside. It was such a beautiful day and the weather was perfect; sunny and a nice cool breeze in the air. So I put my daughter in the car and headed towards the park, planning to let her run until her heart's content. When we arrived, the park was over crowded with school buses full of children playing. Ok, so let's go with plan B...we went to the rose garden instead. As she ran around looking at the roses and smelling them, I enjoyed watching her explore and taking pictures of her at the same time.
Here are some of the highlights of our day at the Rose Garden:

Monday, May 16, 2011

My son's dentist appointment

My son had his dentist appointment 2 weeks ago. He had his first cleaning and x-rays. I am so proud of him, the dentist said his teeth were developing well and that he didn't have any cavities.
Now my daughter had a different report. The dentist looked at her top front left tooth and saw that the nerve was exposed-NOT GOOD. Well, "it's only a baby tooth" he reassured me and advised that the best thing to do would be to pull it. She wouldn't be in any pain since the nerve was exposed and also to prevent and abscess. She will definitely remember this visit.

 Before her tooth was pulled

After her tooth was pulled