Monday, May 16, 2011

My son's dentist appointment

My son had his dentist appointment 2 weeks ago. He had his first cleaning and x-rays. I am so proud of him, the dentist said his teeth were developing well and that he didn't have any cavities.
Now my daughter had a different report. The dentist looked at her top front left tooth and saw that the nerve was exposed-NOT GOOD. Well, "it's only a baby tooth" he reassured me and advised that the best thing to do would be to pull it. She wouldn't be in any pain since the nerve was exposed and also to prevent and abscess. She will definitely remember this visit.

 Before her tooth was pulled

After her tooth was pulled

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing that there was no trouble with your daughter during her visit to the dentist. Just seeing her smile made it sure that all went well. And I have to admit, she looks cute in that picture.

    -Katia Craig
