Monday, May 30, 2011


When I think of the word cancer all I visualize is a slow drawn out and even painful way to die. I've heard that throughout your life that in some way everyone is affected by this, whether it's someone they know or if that person has cancer. My father in law was diagnosed with lung cancer July 2010. CT scan showed a tumor about the size of a fist in the upper right lobe of the lung. He started out with chemotherapy and everything was moving right along. The tumor shrunk enough for the doctor to surgically remove it. The we thought. About 6 months ago we found out it came back with a vengeance. He now has it in his shoulder and left hip. When we heard the news from the doctor we were devastated. Since the diagnosis there have been numerous chemotherapy and radiation treatments and hospital stays....this is the start of our journey.

Please keep my father in law and our family in your prayers, we are believing God for a miracle.
Thank you

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