Saturday, May 14, 2011

My daughter's first dentist appointment

I have heard that if you have more than one child that each of your children have different(almost) opposite personalities. My son is very passive, laid back and cautious. Especially when it involves trying new sport activities. Now my daughter is the opposite of her big brother. She is busy-constantly on the go and fearless. She loves to run, play and CLIMB. On the that note here is how she managed to have her very first dentist appointment at 22 months of age.
About 2 months ago my daughter and I were in the kitchen. She started climbing on one of the chairs and as I am heading in her direction to get her off the chair, she decides to take a "dive" and landed face first on the kitchen floor. As she's crying I'm inspecting her for any injuries-when I notice blood coming from he mouth and then I set it. She managed to chip her top left front tooth at a diagonal. So I call the dentist and they were nice enough to get her an appointment the next day.

1 comment:

  1. It almost looks like Little Bit is laughing at you while thinking, "Look what I did!!!". Such a silly girl!
